Dogs Are Scavengers

Dogs are talented and well-equipped scavengers. Their strong "if it's edible, eat it now" behavior is a kind of pre-installed scavenging software. (Think counter surfing, grabbing food off the table, or digging through the garbage.) Scavenging is highly-reinforcing (it works to gain access to delicious stuff!), normal dog behavior, but it conflicts with most guardians' desire to maintain tight control over their dog's diet.

Punishing dogs for scavenging behavior teaches them *when* it's safe to scavenge, not that it's "wrong."

Management is the first line of defense: more secure trash can, baby locks on cupboards, keeping countertops clear.

We can offer legal outlets for scavenge-type reinforcers like puzzle toys and food scatters. There are MANY easy DIY options!


Safeguarding The Swiss Cheese and Other Holiday Gems


Trigger Stacking